is one of the premier professional societies of the country formed with the intention of promoting advancement in the field of Polymer Science and Technology and also to provide a forum for interaction among the polymer scientists, engineers and technologists in the R&D laboratories, universities and industries across the country.
The Society for Polymer Science, India is one of the premier professional societies of the country formed with the intention of promoting advancement in the field of Polymer Science and Technology and also to provide a forum for interaction among the polymer scientists, engineers and technologists in the R&D laboratories, universities and industries across the country. The Thiurvananthapuram Chapter of the Society for Polymer Science, India was formally formed on January 20, 1996 with Dr. V.N Krishnamurthy (VSSC) and Dr. R. Ramaswamy (VSSC) respectively as the founder President and Secretary of the local Chapter. Dr. C.P Sharma (SCTIMST), Dr. K.N Ninan (VSSC), Dr. R. Ramaswamy (VSSC) Dr. C.K.S Pillai (RRL-TVM, now NIIST), Mr. V.P. Balagangadharan (VSSC) and Dr. K. J. Scariah (VSSC) were the succeeding Presidents of the Chapter. Dr. S Venkatachalam (VSSC), Dr. C.K.S Pillai (RRL-TVM, now NIIST), Dr. M. Jayabalan (SCTIMST) and Dr. K.J Scariah (VSSC) and Dr. C.P. Reghunadhan Nair (VSSC) served as the Secretaries during these periods. Dr. A. Ajayaghosh (NIIST) and Shri R. Muraleekrishnan (VSSC) respectively were the immediate past President and Secretary of the Chapter. Dr. Benny K. George (VSSC) and Dr. R. S. Rajeev (VSSC) respectively are the current President and Secretary of the Chapter.
The Chapter strives to help disseminate ideas and facilitate communication among the fellow members by organizing regular meetings, seminars, invited lectures and workshops on scientific and technological problems in Polymer Science. Frequently, the Chapter conducts workshops on specified areas for the benefit of the student community. The subjects of such workshops include latex technology, smart materials, polymer science and technology etc. A newsletter 'Polymer News' published quarterly by the local Chapter serves as the voice of the polymer fraternity. This Chapter has established close collaboration with 14 and odd other professional bodies in the city and has jointly conducted many seminars. The Chapter has instituted a best Ph.D paper award with the intention of promoting research and encouraging scholars pursuing studies leading to Ph.D Degree in the field of Polymer Science and Technology. This award carries a Gold Medal and a citation and is being presented every year from 2000 onwards on the formation day of the Chapter falling on 20th January.
At present, the Chapter is having a life membership of more than 200 and, over the years it has achieved an all Kerala character through enrolment of members form Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi, and from premier colleges and research institutions of the major cities in Kerala. The society has fostered inter departmental interactions among various institutions in Thiruvananathapuram. This city is enriched with a galaxy of polymer scientists and technologists thanks to the research activities in various institutions such as VSSC, SCTIMST, NIIST and the work in industries such as M/s Hindustan Latex and M/s. Terumo Penpol etc. The Chapter has a high potential for further growth and development.